STEM ebooks

Open access books

Did you know that you now have an Open Access (OA) book-publishing option with STEMIO eBooks? If you are interested, please submit your book proposal.

What are my book open access options?

Gold open access
Options• Publish in an open access book
Access• Public access is the final published e-book • Access is immediate• A print on demand (POD) version of the book will also be made available to purchase
Fee• Open access publication fee is paid by the author or by a third party on their behalf, for example, by their institution or funding body • The Book Publishing Charge is $1,000 per chapter in an edited work or $10,000 for an authored title, excluding tax
Use• Open access books are made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (find out more about copyright licenses)
Royalties• Standard royalty rates for authors is under 5% to 15% but, We are offering 28% royalty rate for author.
• Royalties are calculated by the book sales. 15% for the print price of the each book and 28% for the each eBook sales.
• We have many strategies to promote the book in both scientific community among our network and Social media. Google, Amazon ebooks etc
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