We support STEM educators and youth to
reach their full potential

Application Submission

In recent years, affluent donors give often for STEM education as more foundations have entered this area. Applicants seeking STEM grants explicitly focused on K-12 or higher education institutions should be prepared to conduct in-depth cutting edge research in order to locate the right fit for their respective research and programs. Although top STEM funders that prioritize higher education have, in recent years, given hundreds of millions of dollars in annual funding, they represent a fraction of the total foundations that award such grants.

Technology is also key to STEM funding. In that vein, several major foundations are also concerned with increasing the number of students who enroll in postsecondary education and graduate with the skills to meet the demands of the 21st century workforce. Alongside STEM International Organization is also looking forward for investments in scholarships, research awards and technology provision, many innovative and forward-thinking programs are being organized to empower students and bridge the pathway from high school to university. 

With limited funding available to research, teachers struggle to give students access to the latest STEM gadgets or even a basic tablet. But with dreams of their students programming robots and printing 3D objects, students can seek out their own funding from grants, corporations, and the local community. All this could be done by submitting your research projects through here.

Once submitted the project synopsis will be reviewed by the review committee and we will contact the corresponding author for grant approval and other procedures. Please note that the applications that we receive are many and funds are limited so we request you to wait for the decision.

Apart from us, Here are the global funding agencies

Things You Should Know

STEMIO acceptance of your proposal for review is not an indication that STEMIO will fund your research. By submitting your materials to STEMIO for review, you understand that STEMIO will not treat the information as confidential or proprietary and STEMIO has no obligation to keep it confidential.

Please do not consider any request approved until you have received written documentation from STEMIO notifying you of the grant approval. Although you may receive notification that the grant has been approved, actual receipt of funding is contingent upon timely execution of a grant agreement by both parties. Submission of application(s) is deemed acceptance of these provisions. 

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