In-Person meeting Registration fee-waiver application

Option 1 : 699 USD:

  • If you have funding with university or funding agencies, kindly choose option 1
  • Acknowledge your funding details.

Option 2: 399 USD:

    • If you don’t have funding with Funding agencies and you have only funding with university then, kindly choose option 2
    • Acknowledge as funding from university

Option 3: 150 USD 

      • If you don’t have any funding, either from university or funding agencies, kindly choose option 3
      • Acknowledge as Self-Funding paying min fee 

Note: *Kindly mention funding details to avoid any financial disputes between STEM organization and funding agencies 

The fee-waiver program benefits

Option 1: Speakers Benefits:

  • Abstract book
  • Proceedings will be published in Scopus indexed journals
  • Full Papers will be published in Special Issue in reputed journals.
  • Certificate of Participation
  • Video presentation will be upload in STEM YouTube channel and provided personal link (Ex:
  • Conference Pen drive
  • Lunches and coffee breaks
  • Conference folder
  • Attendance to all sessions

Option 2: Speakers Benefits:

  • Abstract book or Proceedings (PDF in USB)
  • Certificate of Participation
  • Publishing in conference proceeding
  • Conference Pen drive
  • Lunches and coffee breaks
  • Attendance to all sessions

Option 3: Speakers Benefits: 

  • Certificate of Participation
  • Lunches and coffee breaks
  • Attendance to all sessions

The fee-waiver program will be governed by the following rules

  1. Selection of recipients is not limited to STEM members in good standing. The criteria for selection include scientific merit (based on the H-index, Number of Citation, Number patents, submitted abstract and application) and demonstrated financial need. Preference will be accorded to persons from countries recognized by the STEM to be financially disadvantaged.
  2. The fee-waiver program will be advertised on the web site of each meeting.
  3. An application for fee waiver must be sent to the STEMIO office no later than1 month before the deadline for advance (registration, reduced fee) registration.
  4. Waiver applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
  5. The waivers are decided by the President of organization and Executive Committee, taking into account the criteria described in point 2 and any other relevant considerations. The decision will be communicated by email to all applicants (successful and unsuccessful) by the STEM Office at least two weeks before the deadline for advance registration.
  6. The waivers are valid only for the successful applicant and may not be transferred to another participant. No member may obtain waivers for both the Topical Meeting and the Annual Meeting in the same year

    *Applications Submitted will be notified within one week